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Cixi shunchi electrical appliance co., ltd.
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High and new technology for the rapid economic dev

?? since 1998, the city of high-tech products output value of the average annual growth of 41%, than the average growth rate of industrial outputwas 1 times higher than

In the above scale enterprises, the output value of hi-tech products the proportion of total industrial output value increased from 15.8% in 1998 to 29.4% in the first half of this year

?? neodymium iron boron, silicon integrated circuit materials, intelligentinjection molding machine, smart meters, hydrogen storage materials,power transmission equipment, such as a large number of high-tech products become the largest production base

The first half of this year, Yinzhou District based on electromechanical integration and new materials based high-tech industry realized profits of 490000000 yuan, grow 90% compared to the same period last year,profits for the first time exceeded the total profit the biggest clothingindustry (for the first half of 365000000 yuan), accounting for the first. Inthe area of above scale enterprises, the output value of hi-tech productsthe proportion of total industrial output value reached 32.3%.

21460000000 yuan industrial scale more than half of the city'senterprises this year on the added value of 6642000000 yuan, is a high-tech industry to contribute, about 31%. In 1995, the high-tech industry in our city is still in the initial stage. The year above scale enterprises, the output value of hi-tech products is only 6030000000 yuan, the total industrial output value accounted for only 8.8%, exports of high-techproducts accounted for the proportion of industrial export delivery valueof only 10%. Since 1998, especially in revitalizing the city through science and education "a project" since, the municipal Party committee,City Hall keen eyes to high-tech industry as the top priority of economic work of science and technology support and development, the key support of electronic information and new materials and other high-tech industries, so that the city's high-tech industry every year to the industrygrowth rate of 1 times or more than the speed of development, will greatly promote the economic structure adjustment of our city.

In 1998, the city of 5000000 yuan of above scale enterprises total industrial output value of 94000000000 yuan. In 1998, the city of 5000000 yuan of above scale enterprises total industrial output value of 94000000000 yuan. To 2001, the output value of 163000000000 yuan,with an average annual growth rate of 20%. Among them, above scale enterprises of high-tech products output value increased from 14820000000 yuan in 1998 to 42420000000 yuan in 2001, an average annual growth rate as high as 41%. Because of the rapid growth of the high-tech industry, in the city's above scale enterprises, the output value of hi-tech products the proportion of total industrial output value is also more and more high, up from 15% in 1998 to 26% in 2001. The first half of this year, this proportion continues to rise, has reached 29.4%. The first half of this year, this proportion continues to rise, has reached 29.4%. Not only that, the high-tech industries in our city tax is growing rapidly, above scale high-tech enterprise income tax from 1465000000 yuan in 1997, increased to 5857000000 yuan in 2001, an average annual growth rate of 42.9%, accounting for the proportion of above scale industrial enterprises tax increased from 16.7% in 1997 to 27.5% last year. Ningbo city was approved by the State Ministry of science and technology become the new material industry of national torch electronic information industry base and national base. The rapid development of high-tech industry, has greatly promoted the upgrading of traditional industries in our city and the formation of new industry growing, industryupgrading.

The traditional electromechanical industry in recent years has infiltrated into the new and high technology, the product has "face", change to thehigh-tech products in the field of light mechanical and electrical integration, the emergence of intelligent injection molding machine, highreliable induction watt hour meter, power transmission equipment, auto parts, elevator traction machine and other high-tech products. The traditional electromechanical industry in recent years has infiltrated into the new and high technology, the product has "face", change to the high-tech products in the field of light mechanical and electrical integration,the emergence of intelligent injection molding machine, high reliableinduction watt hour meter, power transmission equipment, auto parts,elevator traction machine and other high-tech products. These productshave a high share in the domestic market. The scale of new materialindustry growing, expanding area, based on the growing of Nd-Fe-B magnetic materials, powder metallurgy materials industry, the rise ofpolymer materials, nano materials, new energy materials, semiconductormaterials, vehicle new materials etc.. The strong magnetic materialproduction has accounted for half of the country, accounting for 1/4 of the world, the high strength and high modulus polyethylene fiber, high performance of hydrogen storage material, modified engineering plastics,integrated circuit silicon materials and other new materials has become the country's largest production base. Ningbo has become the country's new material achievements transformation and industrialization base.Electronic information industry from small to large, rapid development,the computer products in addition to the central processor (CPU), the other parts are produced in Ningbo basically. Electronic informationindustry, communication products, electronic components, digital cable,integrated circuits, software is growing rapidly, many products in the domestic leading position. The city has been identified as national torch plan Ningbo electronic information industry base. In addition, the field ofbiology and medicine, energy saving and environmental protection, many high-tech products from scratch, from small to large, in recent years the most rapid development. Application of the new technology in agriculture,using biological technology and facilities of agricultural technological transformation, caused a revolution of agricultural science and technology in the city. Such as the application of molecular markers inbreeding new varieties, cultivate excellent green shell egg duck, giant high Angora rabbit, organize the implementation of the dairy cattle embryo transplantation, shrimp inner loop intensive aquaculture, deep-sea fishpound breeding a number of high-tech projects, greatly promoted the efficiency of agricultural development and agricultural industry structural adjustment.

The rapid development of high-tech industry, the export of high-tech products is increasing year by year, changed my city for many years in electrical and mechanical,textile products.

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